1: Read this whole page, my TOS, especially the will/won’t section, (and Stream Rules if you’ll be visiting a stream). By commissioning me, you agree to these terms. If you do not read them, it is your fault.
2: E-mail info to mosa at mooncatart dot com
Attach, or embed reasonably sized reference files into the email. Links are NOT preferred.
Please include FA (or other gallery) name as well. Single email only, maximum two references per character/object.
Please include a brief description of the scene or preferred pose. I do not do well with artistic freedom for this type of quick work. Pose references are great.
3: Send payment.
Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/mosa
Squarecash: https://cash.me/$MooncatStudio
Walmart or Amazon gift cards are also accepted.
4: You will be placed on the queue AFTER I receive payment only.
Payment must be sent ASAP, else your slot may be pushed to a later day.